オーガニックチャイ 40サーブチューブ
Item #OC40
Choose from Silver or PlatinumPre-ordering options. PRE-ORDERING OPTIONS
Silver Service
Your order will be processed in our monthly schedule. This service is perfect for non-urgent orders.
There is no processing charge for Silver Pre-Orders. Your order is then processed on the same or next business day and typically will arrive within 7-10 business days after the cut-off date.
Platinum VIP Members are automatically upgraded to the Platinum Service.
The cut-off time for Silver orders is 5pm on the last Wednesday of the month.
Platinum Service
Need your items fast? Platinum orders are processed weekly.
This service is complimentary for Platinum VIP Members .For non-members, there is a processing charge of $14.95 per order.
Once your Pre-Order request has been accepted, an invoice is provided for you to check-out via our website. Your order is then processed on the same or next business day and typically will arrive within 7-10 business days after the cut-off date.
For Platinum Service (Weekly), the cut-off will be by 5pm each Wednesday.
How it Works
- Add items to your Quote Cart (best used for multiple items) or use the contact form to place a Pre-Order request.
- We’ll confirm stock availability and email you a link to complete checkout.
- Be sure to check your junk mail if you don’t see our email.
Important: Complete checkout before the cut-off day and time, or your order will be archived.
Service Cut-Off Time
Please note the order cut-off times according to the level selected.
For Silver Service (Monthly), the cut-off will be by 5pm on the last Wednesday of the month.
For Platinum Service (Weekly), the cut-off will be by 5pm each Wednesday.
We do ask that you complete your order before the cut-off time to ensure your Platinum order is processed without delay. If you miss the cut-off time, we can add your order to the next order date, however if we do not hear from you within 24 hours after the cut-off date with your confirmation you wish to proceed, your order may be archived and you will need to re-submit your order request.
Delivery Timeframe
We confirm stock availability before sending your invoice or order confirmation. Generally, we feature only products that have recently been in stock in Australia, and we regularly review availability. However, stock status can change without notice. If an item is out of stock, we will give you an estimated restock time.
We only accept pre-orders for products currently in stock in Australia. If your order is accepted and processed, we expect it to be delivered within the timeframe provided at the time of order confirmation. Occasionally, unforeseen issues like courier delays, accidental breakages, or fulfilment errors may arise that could impact the delivery. If any issues occur, we’ll inform you promptly and work with you to find a suitable solution.
While some orders may arrive sooner than expected, others may take a bit longer due to unexpected circumstances.
Typically, orders arrive in-store 7-10 days after the cut-off date.
Note that stock is then unpacked in-store and checked prior to dispatch via Australia Post and you will be provided with a tracking number.
If your order is delayed, we’ll notify you immediately. If it is delayed by more than 7 days beyond the original estimated timeframe (provided at order confirmation), we will refund the processing charge. You may also cancel your order before dispatch for a full refund. For further information, please see our Refund Policy.
Our Price
/ あたり
Postage calculated at checkout
OR collect in-store
Shipping will be calculated at check-out for small orders. If you are considering adding large and bulky items to your order please use the ADD TO QUOTE button.
インドのマサラ チャイで、伝統の真髄への感覚の巡礼に出かけましょう。何世紀にもわたる温かさ、消化促進、循環促進の儀式へのオマージュです。最高級のオーガニック セイロン ブラック ティーから作られた、手で挽いたハーブとスパイスの魅惑的なブレンドがカップの中で踊り、甘くてスパイシーな香りのシンフォニーで回復力と治療効果のタペストリーを織り成します。
魅力的なティーチューブに詰められたこの容器は、40 杯分のお茶と 150 g の茶葉を詰め込んだ神聖な聖遺物箱となり、時を超えて響き渡る伝統の真髄を秘めています。家庭での堆肥化を促す蓋が付いた完全にリサイクル可能なティーチューブは、当社の持続可能性への取り組みの証であり、味だけでなく地球への敬意の旅でもあります。
- 紅茶 / シナモン / ジンジャー / カルダモン / クローブ / ブラックペッパー: さまざまな風味と香りが混ざり合い、それぞれがマサラチャイの豊かな伝統に貢献しています。伝統から生まれたこのブレンドには、カフェインの自然な痕跡が残っており、感覚だけでなく精神も目覚めさせます。
紅茶(カメリア シネンシス):ポリフェノール、DNA 損傷の防御、タンニンを含有し、胃のステージで治療効果を発揮し、消化活動を改善します。
シナモン(Cinnamomum zeylanicum):抗菌、抗真菌、抗ウイルスのメロディーに包まれた、血糖値のバランスを整え、消化段階を温める香りのシンフォニー。
ショウガ(Zingiber officinale):穏やかな刺激剤で、けいれん、ガス、吐き気に対する歴史的味方であり、時代の歴史を通じて響き渡り、緩和効果をもたらします。
カルダモン (Elettaria cardamomum):インドの常緑樹林からの贈り物、消化器と心臓血管の領域の守護者、吐き気、膨満感、心臓のシンフォニーに対する鎮痛剤。
クローブ(Syzygium aromacum):香りの巨匠。胆汁のダンスを誘発し、消化と解毒を讃え、心地よい香りで痛みを和らげます。
オーガニックブラックペッパー(Piper nigrum):体を温める効果があり、ハーブの吸収力と治療効果を高め、この芳香のシンフォニーに欠かせない要素です。
Size & Weight
Please see description for product size or enquire below.
In your message below, please let us know the QTY you are interested in, and any other important information about your enquiry.
We will respond as soon as possible, and we will confirm the product availability.
Please remember to check your junk mail.
Create your Lure Home VIP Member profile to make online and
in-store purchases a breeze.
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