

SKU: Item #2127330-Ts11-S

常规价格 $105.00
常规价格 促销价 $105.00
Available to Order

Please select a size to confirm stock availability. In-Stock at Wangi Wangi Store: Items marked as "In-Stock" with a Green Tick are available for immediate dispatch or collection in-store. Use the Add to Cart button to complete your purchase. Pre-Order: Items marked as "Available to Order" with a Green Tick may be available at our Australian partner warehouse (next day dispatch available), or we can add your order to the next delivery from Israel.

Australian Stock
If an item is held in-stock at our Wangi Wangi store, or available at our Australian partner warehouse, your order will be dispatched on the next business day. Please use the chat button or contact form below to confirm our Australian partner warehouse stock levels before placing an order.

Ordering from Israel ETA
The next expected delivery from Israel will arrive between End of April/Early May (cut-off deadline for orders has now lapsed, please contact us to add your order to the NEXT order - delivery ETA yet to be confirmed).

• In-Stock at Wangi Wangi Store: Items marked as "In-Stock" with a Green Tick. Use the Add to Cart button to complete your purchase.

• Pre-Order: Items marked as "Available to Order" with a Green Tick. Use the Pre-Order button to complete your purchase. If we have not already confirmed an ETA, we will manually confirm stock availability in Australia or from Israel and advise by email.

• Pre-order from our Australian Warehouse: If your desired design and size is in stock in Australia, we can arrange dispatch next business day or in-store collection.

• Pre-order from the Manufacturer in Israel: If unavailable in Australia, we can place a pre-order with the manufacturer in Israel. Delivery typically takes 4-5 months.

• Order ETA Confirmation: To confirm the estimated arrival date before ordering, please use the contact form or select Add to Quote. Otherwise, we will notify you by email upon receiving your order.

Note: We will keep you informed throughout the process. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. Please check your junk mail for updates.

选择选项: 小号 60x80 厘米

结账时将计算 10 公斤以下订单的澳大利亚邮费。对于大件和笨重物品(需要快递)或国际运输,请使用“添加到报价”按钮。

  • 踏上设计之旅,扎根于摩洛哥迷人的城市马拉喀什,它坐落在雄伟的阿特拉斯山脚下。该设计的核心是交织带——一种由优雅交织的弯曲带形成的精美装饰边框,形成迷人的圆形图案。这种复杂的形状具有历史意义,与古代苏美尔文明中太阳神象征的对称性相呼应,苏美尔文明是美索不达米亚南部城市化的摇篮。

    使用 BEIJA FLOR 乙烯基地垫的奢华触感提升您的室内装饰,这是法国时尚景观中的当前必备品。这些地垫模仿了古董瓷砖的永恒魅力,采用高品质工业乙烯基制成,提供触感光滑、防水且易于清洗的触感体验。这些地垫完美融合了实用性和装饰性,在厨房、浴室或客厅中独树一帜。无论是在水槽前、桌子下方、鞋柜入口、走廊还是游戏室中装饰空间,BEIJA FLOR 都能在现代家居中重新点燃传统图案、颜色和纹理的魔力,让空间重新发现和重生。

    法国建筑遗产通过跨越时间的设计而回荡,可追溯到 8 世纪的文物。BEIJA FLOR 地垫以热情和精准制作而成,起源于以色列北部的风景——一个俯瞰宁静加利利海的生态村。




    参与精致的护理编排,让 BEIJA FLOR 垫子成为日常优雅仪式的画布。





    沉浸在 BEIJA FLOR 的非凡之美中,每个细节都低声诉说着文化融合和当代魅力的故事。将您的空间提升为一个与传统叙事相呼应的避风港,让永恒的魅力在您的脚下展现。

  • Please see description for product size or contact us to confirm

    Shipping Weight: 1.1 kg
  • Delivery & Collection
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