Serenity 40 服务管

Serenity 40 服务管

SKU: Item #SR40

常规价格 $22.00
常规价格 促销价 $22.00
Available to Order

Join the next open order (processed every 10 days).

Place your order before 5pm on:

Expected delivery window:
Small items: If ordered by the cut-off date, we expect your order to be available in-store for collection or dispatched between and . Large or bulky items: typically leaves Warehouse within 2-7 days. NOTE: No cut-off date applies, however we will need to provide a quote for shipping.

This item is available for Pre-Order. Use the Pre-Order button below to check-out and we will order this in our next delivery. Pre-orders are processed every 10 days, ideal for non-urgent orders. Please refer to the order cut-off and delivery information. If you need it sooner, please contact us to discuss an early release.

Pre-order cut-off dates:
• by 5pm on the 10th, 20th, and 30th (or last day) of each month.

• Orders placed after the cut-off date will be queued for the next cycle.
• Orders will be manually confirmed for stock availability.
• Back-ordered items may wait for stock arrival or cancellation.
• Allow additional days for postal delivery after in-store arrival.
• Review product details before ordering.

Shipping Direct from the Warehouse:
• Large or bulky items may be shipped directly to you, reducing delivery time. ETA will be confirmed at order confirmation, typically leaves Warehouse within 2-7 days. NOTE: No cut-off date applies, however we will need to provide a quote for shipping.


结账时将计算 10 公斤以下订单的澳大利亚邮费。对于大件和笨重物品(需要快递)或国际运输,请使用“添加到报价”按钮。

  • 沉醉在宁静的怀抱中,宁静是一种迷人的镇静草药混合物,散发出花香交响曲,既滋养又温暖。这种灵丹妙药是洋甘菊、玫瑰、薰衣草和西番莲的天体之舞,创造出一种能温柔地呵护您的神经系统和消化系统的药水,邀请您在睡前与宁静相会,并承诺在宁静的夜晚安然入眠。

    茶管交响曲:这款迷人的混合茶装在茶管中,包含 40 份散叶茶,一段静谧之旅正等着您开启。茶管和茶盖不仅仅是容器,更是可持续发展的保证,完全可回收,内衬可作为家庭堆肥回归大地,呼应了茶管内宁静舞蹈的精神。


    • 洋甘菊:洋甘菊是一种草药大师,能协调胃肠道的和谐,是治疗肠易激综合征和结肠炎等疾病的良药。它的抗炎功效可以舒缓轻度焦虑、失眠和其他神经系统问题,是宁静组合中的关键角色。

    • 玫瑰:玫瑰芳香四溢、果香浓郁,花瓣绽放,带来感官享受,富含维生素 C 和抗氧化剂,在宁静的交响乐中绽放花香。

    • 薰衣草:薰衣草是芳香大师,可缓解头痛,尤其是因压力引起的头痛,是神经系统的温和滋补品。它曾被用作治疗抑郁、失眠和焦虑的良药,因此成为宁静小夜曲中的旋律伴侣。

    • 西番莲:西番莲是传统的镇静剂,它能编织出舒缓的织锦,是焦虑、压力和失眠的温柔催眠曲。它在支持睡眠模式、缓解神经紧张、烦躁不安和头痛方面的作用完善了宁静的叙事。




  • Please see description for product size or contact us to confirm

    Shipping Weight: 0.25 kg
  • Delivery & Collection
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